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2025 Rutherford County Right To Life Fund Raiser

About Us

About Rutherford County Right To Life

Pro Life Organizations Murfreesboro TN

Rutherford County Right to Life (RCRTL) is a non-profit chapter of the Tennessee Right To Life located in Murfreesboro TN. We are an all volunteer organization advocating the sanctity and protection of all human life from conception to natural death. We endeavor to achieve this mission through education and legislative activities while conducting all efforts in a Christ-like manner.


Each year we host multiple education exhibitions across Rutherford County providing opportunities to speak with hundreds of people about the intrinsic worth of unborn children and the necessary protection due them.   While educating people, we seek to motivate them to action and encourage community support in programs that protect life in all stages.


RCRTL partners with and supports local churches, agencies, and organizations that seek to protect life as it relates to abortion, euthanasia, infanticide and adoption.

Our Mission
Defending the right to life of all innocent human beings, born and unborn Engaging citizens throughout Rutherford County with a pro-life message Encouraging public involvement

Pro Life Issues

Pro Life Issues

Abortion - Stem Cell Research - Euthanasia - Adoption - Infanticide


More than 68 million abortions have been performed in the United States since 1973. The estimated 1 million abortions performed every year is much greater than American deaths in combat during every war & conflict combined in all of American history from 1775 to 2015.  


Abortion means a living human being who is preparing to be born will suffer a violent death.   The  scientific field of embryology clearly shows that at fertilization, when a sperm fertilizes an ovum, the life of a human being begins.  Children are our future.  By destroying a large part of the next generation, we are minimizing our own future.  We’ll never really know what the world could have looked like with our missing  generations.  Abortion kills future dreams, creativity, and contributions to society. 


“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future” - President John F. Kennedy


Abortion touches the lives of over half the population in the U.S.  You can make a profound impact on your community by telling  others why you are pro-life and anti-abortion and becoming involved.

  • Pray for an end to abortion

  • Volunteer your time with Right to Life or with the local pregnancy support center, Portico

  • Support financially

  • Share your pro-life convictions with your children and grandchildren


Be Involved - Make a Difference for Life

We invite you to come and be a part of this noble endeavor....

making a difference for LIFE

Volunteer for Pro Life Rutherford County TN
Rutherford County TN Right To Life. Murfressboro TN anti abortion resources

Rutherford County Right To Life

Tennessee Right To Life Murfessboro TN
Rutherford County TN Chapter

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