Pro Life Legislation
Abortion bill amendments don’t stop Tennessee Right to Life opposition
Tennessee Right to Life continues to oppose legislation that would stop the “criminalization” of doctors who perform abortions to save the life of a woman despite a number of proposed changes to the bill.
HUMAN LIFE PROTECTION ACT, 2019 Tennessee Laws Pub. Ch. 351 (S.B. 1257)
Tennessee’s Pro-Life Amendment 1
After the passage of Amendment 1 in 2014, our state enacted abortion regulations to protect women and their unborn. These include a 48-hour waiting period with in-person counseling and health and safety regulations for clinics that perform 50 or more surgical abortions per year.
On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, the Sixth Circuit of Appeals voted 3-0 to uphold the people’s vote for Amendment 1, which removed the “right” to abortion the Tennessee Supreme Court “found” in the Tennessee Constitution in 2000. This is a victory for life for Tennesseans!
2018-Redirecting Family Planning Funds from Planned Parenthood
After years of focused efforts by pro-life lawmakers and principled leadership by Governor Haslam, Tennessee successfully implemented policy in 2011 which has resulted in millions of tax dollars being re-directed away from Planned Parenthood facilities in our state. Under Haslam's direction, an administrative process was established which prioritizes public health departments to receive the public funds appropriated for family planning programs rather than private non-profit organizations such as Planned Parenthood. Prior to 2011, Planned Parenthood affiliates in Tennessee received more than $1.1 million dollars annually.
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